Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Reel Festival

Ok, so what's the go. Well, I went to the Reel Festival at Cinema Nova yesterday. Myself, along with a few friends saw 'Children who Chase Lost Voices' and I thought it was absolutely brilliant. 

I won't write too much on it now, because I intend to write a short film review as part of my university assessment for one of my subjects, so maybe in a week after it's all done, I might post it up here. A few things, the ending song was a few keys too high, so the last few minutes were excruciating to my ears, although the lyrics fitted the ending well, the voice ruined it (sorry, but it did) and also, the cutest little fucker is in this movie here is what i am talking about:
How cute is it!! Just saying!! ^^^^^^^^^^^

Anyway, moving on, I finished reading all the translated chapters of Komatta Toki ni wa Hosho ni Kike. What can I say, I definitely haven't read anything like that before, as I previously said I thought that the characters were very interesting and I can't remember the last time I read a series that didn't have a crybaby lead...regardless of what genre. Nothing annoys me more than the lead crying every 3 pages. I also thought the art was quite interesting, very different, the art is very strong. I really like the eyes and how they are drawn. I like the ambiguity of the relationships between all the characters, I thought the mangaka could have done so much with this ambiguity, and to an extent it works, but there is just a bit too much mystery within the characters personalities. Just saying. But it was rather enjoyable nonetheless.

Anyways, that's about it for now, until next time :)

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