Still watching the Olympics, but I am having trouble staying tuned. This is mainly because of the commentators. A lot of the commentary is done by personalities rather than experts, especially with the free to air television (thank goodness I have pay television). But I am also having trouble because of the timezone. Although live action starts at 6pm Australian time, the good events and medal events also don't start until about 1am AEST. Also, my hopes of Australia doing will are continuously shattered as someone from somewhere else always seems to be better on the day. Oh well, there is still many more days and many chances for the Aussies to claim victory.
Yesterday also saw me use a bus for the first time in ages, so now I present to you the first ever BUS CHRONICLES entry. I boarded the bus expecting a fairly uneventful journey, but I was wrong. On the way to my destination a little old lady thought the best method to hail the bus was to stand in the middle of the road to attract the driver's attention. Although she did move before the bus would have hit her, I was rather dumbfounded as to why she would stand in the middle of the road to start with. On my return from running my errands on the bus, two girls who appeared to be 13/14 years of age sat behind me. They cracked the shits and started yelling for the bus to, and I quote "stop stopping". Clearly they don't understand the concept of the bus, and clearly also need to go back to school, as being a Monday, they were obviously wagging, they need all the help they can get. Nearing the end of my journey, the bus stopped at a stop about 250m from the train station. A gentlemen sitting in the back of the bus started screaming how this other guy getting on the bus was a 'dead set wanker' and 'fat c***' for not walking the 250m to the train station and board the bus there. This same gentlemen proceeded to deboard the bus at the very next stop, only about 100m from the train station. Oh the Irony. Thus ending my journey on the bus.
In other news, I got attacked by a bat work. Considering I work for a catering company, it is probably one of the last things I expect when I go to work. So I was working, minding my own business, when a bird like creature descended from the rafters of the factory I was working a function for. This creature started circle me from above. At first I didn't mind because it was posing no real threat to me. Upon closer inspection, I realized that this creature was in fact a bat, at which point I still really didn't mind, until it started swooping me multiple times, like a magpie before finding it's exit route and escaping.
In terms of reading, I am currently attempting to read Trinity Blood, but I may give up because I am finding it difficult to get into, probably because it is kind of similar to Angel Sanctuary, which I just read 20 volumes of, except instead of Angels and Demons, it is about Humans and Vampires.
Anyway, that is about it for now, until next time :)
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