As you can see, I have been reaaaallly lazy in not updated this very much since the new year...In my defence, I was on holidays, so it's not like I have had steady access to a computer either!!
To celebrate my first entry in nearly a month, I will provide a few thoughts on a few films that I have seen during my vacation time :)
Firstly, I watched Anna Karenina. When it came down to it, our choice came down to this and Safe Haven, and seeing as I couldn't sit through The Notebook (I didn't like it, hate me!). It is quite interesting from a structural sense, it was produced such a way so it looks like it is a theatre/stage performance caught on camera. The set and costume were also quite elaborate and detailed, making it quite a spectacle to watch. As for the narrative... At first I thought it was rather great, then Keira Knightly, who plays the title character, begins to lose the plot. It gets to that point where you just hope that it gets better for her but it just doesn't...I recommend you wiki or google it before you watch it if you want to understand it better. It was also quite a lengthy film, almost two and a half hours :o
The second film I watched was Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters. Well, if you like blood and guts and death and brutality, then this one is right up your ally. That aside, the first thing I thought was that Hansel has had a very hard life, looking so much older than Gretel XD. I felt that I was watching a guide in ways to gruesomely murder people. Seeing it 3D was just the cherry on top, as you get to sleep the blood splatter all over you. Honestly, if you think it will be a comedy given the producer list (Will Ferrel and co.) you're not entirely wrong, the film does have some comedic moments, but just don't expect too much other than blood and guts.
And finally, I saw I give it a Year just this week. This one was rather funny. It also is rather unique as it starts with the 'Happily Ever After' at the beginning with the lead characters' wedding, and then focuses on the struggles and temptation of marriage in a rather hilarious manner. The characters compliment each other rather well, in particular The highly inappropriate best friend of the male lead whom took inappropriate to a whole new level. A word of warning: It isn't something you would take your mother to, and I speak from experience, the humor is aimed at a younger demographic.
Well, that's about it for now, until next time :)